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A deep dive into SourceMaps

— 7 min

In my last post I committed to the idea of doing a deep dive series into a couple of debug formats, or more specifically, how their line mappings / line programs work.

To start things off, we will be learning how the SourceMap mappings work.

# SourceMaps, abstractly

For people not familiar with the matter, SourceMaps are a building block used in the JavaScript ecosystem. They are used to map from a location in the "final" (minified, transpiled) JavaScript code back to the original source, which might not even be JavaScript.

The SourceMap specification lives in a Google Doc which I would argue is a weird format, but adequate to understand how to interpret it.

Here is an example of some minified JS, plus its corresponding SourceMap.

function t(){}export default t;
  "version": 3,
  "names": ["abcd"],
  "sources": ["tests/fixtures/simple/original.js"],
  "sourcesContent": [
    "// ./node_modules/.bin/terser -c -m --module tests/fixtures/simple/original.js --source-map includeSources -o tests/fixtures/simple/minified.js\nfunction abcd() {}\nexport default abcd;\n"
  "mappings": "AACA,SAASA,oBACMA"

As you can see, the SourceMap is a human readable JSON file. It has a list of filenames in sources, and optionally their contents in sourcesContent. We also have a list of names, which is used to refer to original non obfuscated identifiers.

And then we have the mappings we want to look at in more detail. As they are embedded in a JSON file, we have some restrictions on the type of data we can put here. We can’t use plain binary data directly. SourceMaps thus use an ASCII friendly base-64 Variable-length quantity (VLQ) encoding for this purpose.

# State Machines

The mappings do not contain individual entries, but rather operate on a state machine. This means you have to keep some internal state around, which is being incrementally updated by instructions or deltas from the mappings. Every now and then this state is then flushed out and represents a concrete mapping entry.

One of such entries, called a Token in SourceMap terminology, can have the following:

There are two special "instructions" for the state machine:

Otherwise we have a number of Base 64 VLQ entries, either:

The resulting tokens are sorted by "minified" line, and "minified" column.

In the end, the most gains from this format come from the delta encoding. The Base 64 VLQ on itself is not very efficient. A raw byte has 256 unique values. Base 64 encoding reduces that to 64. Another "continue" bitflag reduces that to 32. Or 5 useful bits per byte.

# Decoding the mappings

Lets look at the concrete mappings above in more detail and decode it. As a reminder, our mappings are AACA,SAASA,oBACMA.

'A' (b64: 0b0000_0000): add 0 to the minified column number
'A' (b64: 0b0000_0000): add 0 to the sources index
'C' (b64: 0b0000_0010): add 1 to the line number
'A' (b64: 0b0000_0000): add 0 to the column number
',': yield the token: {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, None}
'S' (b64: 0b0001_0010): add 9 to the minified column number
'A' (b64: 0b0000_0000): add 0 to the sources index
'A' (b64: 0b0000_0000): add 0 to the line number
'S' (b64: 0b0001_0010): add 9 to the column number
'A' (b64: 0b0000_0000): add 0 to the name index
',': yield the token: {0, 9, 0, 1, 9, 0}
'o' (b64: 0b0010_1000): continue with next byte, lowest 5 bits are `0b0_1000`
'B' (b64: 0b0000_0001): next 5 bits `0b0_0001` are prepended to the number, resulting in `0b0010_1000`:
                        add 20 to the minified column number
'A' (b64: 0b0000_0000): add 0 to the sources index
'C' (b64: 0b0000_0010): add 1 to the line number
'M' (b64: 0b0000_1100): add 6 to the column number
'A' (b64: 0b0000_0000): add 0 to the name index
end: yield the token: {0, 29, 0, 2, 15, 0}

Decoding these mappings thus yields the following tokens:

{ minified_line: 0, minified_column: 0, source_index: 0, source_line: 1, source_column: 0, name_index: None }
{ minified_line: 0, minified_column: 9, source_index: 0, source_line: 1, source_column: 9, name_index: 0 }
{ minified_line: 0, minified_column: 29, source_index: 0, source_line: 2, source_column: 15, name_index: 0 }

# How to use these mappings

We have a pretty simple example with only a single source file in sources. Simple enough so we can look at the minified and the original source side by side:

// --- minified ---
function t(){}export default t;
// - line 0, column 0 corresponds to line 0, column 0 in `original.js`
//       ^- line 0, column 9 corresponds to line 1, column 9 in `original.js` and has name `abcd`
//                           ^- line 0, column 29 corresponds to line 2, column 15 in `original.js` and has name `abcd`

// --- original ---
// ./node_modules/.bin/terser -c -m --module tests/fixtures/simple/original.js --source-map includeSources -o tests/fixtures/simple/minified.js
function abcd() {}
//       ^- the second token points here on line 1
export default abcd;
//             ^- the third token points here on line 2

One thing to note here is that the SourceMap tokens only represent a single point in the minified file, not a range. To do a lookup, you can exploit the fact that these tokens are properly sorted by line and column to do a binary search. Since we don’t have an explicit range, most implementations assume that a token has an implicit range up to the next token, or to infinity for the last token.

For example, if we perform the following lookup:

function t(){}export default t;
//                 ^- line 0, column 19

That lookup would resolve to:

{ minified_line: 0, minified_column: 9, source_index: 0, source_line: 1, source_column: 9, name_index: 0 }

Which is not entirely true, as the token points to the wrong original source line. The resolution here depends on the tool producing the source map. In most cases though we are close enough. And the tools are good enough to insert tokens in all "interesting" places.

# Summary

To summarize the SourceMap format, lets look at a few properties that it has, what kind of data it encodes, and which lookups we can use it for.

SourceMaps thus allow us to look up a minified location, mapping it to an approximate position in the original source.

Most importantly, SourceMaps do not directly encode information about function scopes and names. Though there are extensions that can do that, but those are not widely used.

There you have it. A deep dive into the SourceMap format, with a focus on its Base 64 VLQ mappings. This was just one example of debug file formats and the way they encode information compactly. I plan to take a look at more formats in future posts, so look out for: